22 Best Free Psychology Courses

Looking to learn Psychology?

Then I’ve got the resource for you!

There is an incredible amount of high-quality resources and courses online from a variety of platforms and institutions.

So I’ve gone and made a shortlist of the best free courses around.

Be sure to check out the entire list as you’ll find all online psychology fundamentals for free at a high level in this article.

Happy learning!

Our Favorite Free Online Psychology Course

Introduction to Psychology

Intro to Psychology

This course in English with subtitles in 8 different languages, and discusses the implications of the most interesting experiments in psychology to help our understanding of the human mind and human behaviour. You will delve into the brain and some of the cognitive functions like memory, learning, attention, perception and consciousness. Human development in terms of growing up and aging will be explored and the manner in which the behaviour of others affects ours and our thoughts will be discussed. Finally, the various forms of mental illness and their treatments use to help the sufferers will be explored. You will learn to appreciate how interesting your fellow humans and their actions are. We are sometimes influenced by people and events without always being aware of it. By the end of this course you will understand and appreciate who you are and how you work.

Skills Acquired: Psychological issues, Mental illness, Psychology and Social Psychology. Duration: Approx 23 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.9/98%

What are the Top Free Online Psychology Courses

After much research on all online Psychology Courses on offer, we have found the top 22 Psychology courses to make it easier for you to choose

22 Introduction to Clinical Psychology

Intro to Clinical Psychology

This course is a series of videos in English, which comprises a survey of the science and practise of clinical psychology and its specialty ares including discussion and diagnoses and evaluations, empirically-validated, interventions and prevention strategies. Duration: 34 Videos approx 1 hour each (1 video hidden).Rating: 58 750 views

21 Industrial Organizational Psychology

Industrial Organizational Psychology

The course in English with videos. Industrial/organizational psychology provides an introduction to this specialized field. You will explore the basic concepts and theories related to Industrial/Organizational psychology, Methodology and analysis of major content scope areas such as personnel selections, conducting performance appraisals., leadership, motivation, and occupational health to name but a few. Learners will have a greater understanding of the history and principals driving Industrial/Organizational psychological scientific research and will learn how to think critically and creatively about work psychology. Duration: 19 Videos ranging from 5 -30 minutes. Rating: 46 797 views

20 The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs

The Arts and Science of Relationships

With this course in English with subtitles in 9 different languages, the basics of the strategies and skills learning and development systems (SSLD), application for every day relationships and provide concepts for those who work in the fields of social work and health care. Further, basic principals and methods are illustrated in relationship management case studies. You will receive a framework for relationship, management assessment and the needs, circumstances, characteristics and capacity dynamics are explored together with problem translation. Core competences in the application of the SSLD system are observation learning, simulation, real life implementation, review and monitoring.  Modules covered include relationships in our lives, communication, building relationships that work for you , challenges, endings and transformations and relationships and self. Skills Acquired: Psychology, Assertiveness, Communication, Building Relationships. Duration: Approx 32 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.5/97%

19 An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Marketing

An Intro to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing

This is a beginner level course is in English with sub titles in 9 different languages, it looks at how consumers arrive at their purchasing decision conscientiously. It introduces the learner to the concepts of consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing including methodology and what they mean. You will learn the basic brain function in consumer choice as well as the users of neuroscience in business. Skills acquired: Consumer behaviour, Marketing, Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing. Duration of course: 26 hours over 6 weeks. Rating: 4.7/ 96%

18 Social Psychology

Social Psychology

In English this beginner level course has subtitles in 15 different languages, this course explores why people do what they do. It offers answers based on the latest social psychology research. If you take the course including the certificate you will receive a free membership to social psychology network (SocialPsychology.org).

We all have different life experiences yet we all face similar issues when it comes to human behaviour: What leads us to like one particular person but dislike another?, How do we develop conflicts and prejudices and how can they be reduced?, Can research help protect the environment?, this course introduces classic and contemporary social psychology covering topics like decision making, persuasion, group behaviour, personal attraction, and factors that promote health and well-being. The focus will be on research findings, easily applied in daily life and will draw from the website of social psychology network. Learn, have fun and enrich your life. Skills Acquired: Decision making, Persuasion, Social Psychology. Duration: Approx 38 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.7/96%

17 Know Thyself – The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Unconscious

Know Thyself

In this course in English with subtitles in 9 different languages, the course explores the unconscious which is a fascinating and challenging topic on the way to acquiring self-knowledge. For sometime, many, including psychologists and philosophers have thought that there was a level of mentality not immediately open to introspection. It is believed some unconscious elements remain unknown even through deep introspection. You will explore some of the most profound ideas about the unconscious starting with Sigmund Freud, Follow development theory of the unconscious all the way to current research in experimental psychology. You will get to understand the role of affect in decision making and self-deception. You will also learn to identify and analysis unconscious mechanisms motivating your own and others actions. Duration:Approx 16 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.7/97%

16 Understanding Memory: Explaining the Psychology of Memory through Movies

Understanding Memory

The course is in English with subtitles in 13 different languages. Memory is captivating because we forget what we want to remember, remember what we want to forget and sometimes remember events that never happened or never happened the way we remembered them. This course will show you how memory works, why it fails and how we can improve on it. The course provides an introduction of the study of human memory by focusing on its select group of topics. Clips from numerous films to illustrate different aspects of memory will be used to ease your understanding. It describes what has been learned about memory in a lay person language. You can learn a lot about memory from popular films if you watch them with an educated eye. Skills Acquired: Psychology,Term (Time), Semantics, Personal Development..Duration: Approx 9 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.7/98%

15 Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology

In this course in English with subtitles in 10 different languages, you will learn about research findings in positive psychology. It also covers practical applications you can put to use to help you live a full and meaningful life. A few of the items covered in this course include positive emotions: The tiny engines of positive psychology, the mind-scapes and outcomes of positivity, you will discover the ratios and priorities that promote flourishing and learn what pitfalls to avoid. You will also unveil the force of co-experienced positive emotions and practice this meditation. Finally, you will learn about the ripples of positivity resonance. Skills Acquired: Gratitude, Kindness, Meditation, Positive Psychology.  Duration: Approx 11 hours over 6 weeks. Rating: 4.7/98%

14 Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization

Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization

The course is in English with subtitles in 12 different languages, this specialization series provides you with theories and research in positive psychology including opportunities for daily applications. What you will learn in this course is to master strategies and tools which will enable you to thrive. You will apply concepts from positive psychology to your personal and professional life. You will also learn the scientific foundations of positive psychology. Learners will design and justify small scale positive interventions to boost aspects of their personal well being by leveraging skills learnt on this course. Personal reflections are used to provide learners with skills to impact their personal and professional lives. Finally, you will learn very important resilience skills. Skills Acquired: Gratitude, Goal Setting, Research Methodology, Resilience, Character Strengths and Virtues, Positive Education, Positive Psychology, Savoring, Plan, Communication, Mindfulness and Flourishing. Duration: Approx 5 months – 4 Courses. Rating:4.8/5,966

13 Synapses, Neurons and Brains

Synapses, Neurons and Brains

This course is in English, discusses why the mainstream is so afraid of psychedelic drugs. Why have many visionaries called Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LCD) the secret of their success. This course surveys the history of psychedelics and examines the evidence. From ancient Greece to military experiments these drugs are intertwined into human history. Even after 5 decades of outrage Governments and the medical fraternity refuse to consider them for medical treatment. Here you will dissect the misinformation and lay down the hard evidence. From alcoholism to depression, you will hear argument that psychedelics could cure all kinds of aliments. By the end of the course you will have learnt how these drugs have played a major role in most human cultures, how they allow us to exceed the natural limits our brain places on our perception. You will also have learnt how the US military tried to harness their power to brainwash enemy spies. And finally, how LSD analogues can cure depression by switching off parts of the brain. Duration: Approx 20 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.8/97%

12 Moralities of Everyday Life

Moralities of Everyday Life

The course is in English with subtitles in 11 different languages. The course explains kindness versus cruelty – where does our sense of right and wrong come from, why do people so often disagree about moral issues. This course investigates the psychological foundations of our moral lives. The course will answer what morality is and what the big debates are in moral psychology. It explores compassion and how concern for others comes from and how compassion is related to empathy. It asks the question, What can we learn from the study of those who seemingly lack normal moral feelings like violent psychopaths. You will also explore the origins of morality including the fascinating new science of the moral life of babies. Skills Acquired: Philosophy, Psychology, Social Psychology and Moral Universe. Duration: Approx24 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.8/97%

11 Positive Psychology: Martin E.P. Seligman’s Visionary Science

Positive Psychology: M.E.P.S Visionary Science

This course is conducted in English and has subtitles in 10 different languages. This course is led by Dr Martin Seligman a world renowned (father of positive psychology). You will explore the past, present and future of positive psychology. And you will learn about the scientific foundations of positive psychology, be able to describe why mind and body flourish together, explain how well-being can be learned and taught and finally discuss new developments in the field. Skills Acquired: Character Strengths and Virtues, Gratitude, Positive Education and Positive Psychology. Duration: Approx 16 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.8/98%

10 Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health

Positive Psychiatry

In this course conducted in English with subtitles in 8 different languages. Currently mental illness and distress are rife and account for a significant burden of disability globally. Concurrently there is growing interest in understanding and re-enforce positive mental health and well being. Positive psychiatry is relevantly new and describes a dual approach to mental health where strengths, supports, healthy lifestyles together with treating illness and distress is the key to well being. You will explore aspects of good mental health as well as over-viewing the major mental disorders, that causes, the treatments and how to seek help and support. You will hear from expert in their fields and from ;people who have lived with mental illness and share their experiences. Strategies anyone can use to improve their own mental health and that of others will be explore utilizing exercise and relaxation techniques through to the role of love, relationships and “good “ types of work. Topics from creativity and yoga through to psychiatric medications and psycho therapies are covered. Duration: Approx 20 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.8/98%

09 Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

Learning how to learn

This beginner level course is in English and has subtitles in 25 different languages. You will learn the learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, maths, science, sport and many other disciplines. You will learn how the brain uses different learning modes and how it chucks information. You will discover illusions of learning, memory techniques, handling procrastination and practise most effective in helping you master tough subject. Irrespective of your skill levels in topics you would like to master you can change your thinking and change your life. Also covered in the course are ideas for turbo charging your learning, including counter-intuitive test taking tips and insights to help you make the best use of your time on problem sets. If you are struggling, particle techniques will walk guide you through what you need to do to get on top of it. Skills Acquired: Test Preparation, Learning to Learn, Pomodoro Technique and Meta Learning. Some of the topics covered in this course include What is learning, chunking, renaissance learning and unlocking your potential. Duration: Approx 15 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.8/98%

08 De-Mystifying Mindfulness

De-Mystifying Mindfulness

This course is in English only. Meditation, Mindfulness and Contemplation are being seen as technologies based in evidence from psychology and neuroscience and no longer as mystical practices. Mindfulness is currently used in numerous therapeutic interventions as a treatment in health care and as a tool to enhance well-being and happiness. It enhances and enriches everyday experiences. You will learn what mindfulness is, whether it is good for you, whether anyone can learn it and what is feels like. If you are already mindful, how would you know? This course combines conventional scholarly enquiry from disciplines ranging from psychology, through philosophy to politics, with experiential learning where you will get a chance to practice and analysis mindfulness. This course aims to provide responsible, comprehensive and an inclusive education about mindfulness. Skills Acquired: Ethics, Meditation, Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, Philosophy. Duration: Approx 43 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.8/98%

07 A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment

A life of Happiness and Fulfillment

The course is in English with subtitles in 13 different languages. You will discuss what are the determinants of a happy and fulfilling life. This is a prime question that has interested people like Buddha, Greek philosophers and of course we all have our own ideas of happiness too. The question is just how valid are our theories, in searching for the answer to this question you would normally have approached spiritual leaders or maybe you discussed it in conversations with friends and family.  

Over the last while scientists have explored this question and we know have a really good idea of what it takes to lead a happy and fulfilling life. This course draws content from the fields of psychology, neuroscience and behavioral decision theory and offers a tested and practical receipt for you to follow. By taking this course you will discover answers to questions like Why aren’t the smart-and-the-successful as happy as they could – or should be? What are the 7 deadly happiness sins and what are the 7 habits of the highly happy and how you can implement them in your own life. Skills Acquired: Gratitude, Mindfulness, Happiness and Meditation

Duration: Approx 28 hours over 5 weeks. Rating: 4.8/98%

06 Psychological First Aid

Psychological First Aid

This course is in English and has subtitles in 12 different languages. IN this course you will learn how to apply psychological first aid to people in an emergency. By using the RAPID model which is Reflective Listening, Assessment of Needs, Prioritization, Intervention and Disposition. You will learn perspectives on injuries and trauma beyond those physical ones. It is readily applicable in a broad range of environment including the workplace, faith-based organizations, mass disasters, and demands of more common place critical events for example dealing with psychological results of accidents, hijacking, robbery, suicide and violence. In the course you will increase your capability to listen with reflectively prioritize psychological – behavioral crises reactions, mitigate acute distress and dysfunction, recognize when to refer to further mental health support.  Skills Acquired: Reflective Listening, Active Listening, Crises Intervention and Psychological First Aid. Duration:Approx 7 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.8/99%

05 Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills

Positive Psychology

In this course in English with subtitles in 10 different languages. You will learn to integrate resilience interventions into your personal and professional life. You will uncover the foundational research and resilience, mental agility and optimism. A few types of intervention are examined such as cognitive strategies, how to manage anxiety and increase emotions like gratitude, and a critical relationship improvement skill. Through this course you will be exposed to individuals using these skills in their personal and work lives. You will come to understand the protective factors that make one resilient, make use of non-cognitive strategies to lessen anxiety, describe negative thinking patterns and how they undermine resilience and you will also learn how to boast your resilience in taxing situations. 

Skills Acquired: Gratitude, Plan, Positive Psychology, Communication and Mindfulness. Duration: Approx 16 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.9/97%

04 Medical Neuroscience

Medical Neuroscience

The course is present ed in English with subtitles in 8 different languages and ventures into the realm of the function organization and neurophysiology of the human central nervous system, at the same time giving a Neurobiology framework for understanding human behaviour. You will learn about the the neural system in the brain and spinal cord are organized that mediate sensation, motivate body action and integrate sensory motor signals with memory and emotion. You will learn how to understand the damage of sensation action and cognition that accompanies injury, disease or dysfunction in the central nervous system. The cause comprises 6 units covering neuroanatomy, neural-signaling, the sensory system, the motor system, brain development and finally cognition. Skills Acquired: Brain, Neurological Disorders, Neurobiology and Neurology. Duration: Approx 71 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.9/97%

03 Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life

Understanding the Brain

This course is in English with subtitles in 9 different languages. In this course you will learn how the nervous system produces behaviour, how we use our brain daily, and how neuroscience explains problems afflicting people. You will also embark upon a study of human anatomy and how neurons communicate and then use this to understand how we see the outside world, voluntarily move our bodies, and play well with others. The course is broken up into sections covering the nervous system, neural communication and embodied emotion, neuroanatomy, perception and vision, hearing and vestibule sense and gaze, voluntary movements, motor modulation, homeostasis and abstract function. Skills Acquired: Brain, Neurological Disorders, Neurobiology and Neurology. Duration: Approx 28 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.9/98%

02 Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing

Everyday Parenting

This beginner course in English has subtitles in 10 different languages. In this course you will receive a tool kit of behaviour change ideas that will make your days at home much easier while you coach the child into the behaviors you would like it to have. Instructions and presentations on how to improve your “how to” with both children and teenagers. You will learn to grasp how even a change in tone of voice and phrasing will encourage the desired behaviour you would like from your children. You will also learn about many parenting myths and ineffective approaches that are often use in parenting. Key to this course is your practice in what you have learnt. Even using these lessons temporarily can lead to permanent behaviour change. Probably your current parenting methods may be working for you but you may have areas where you would like to improve your ability to change your child’s behaviour. Duration: Approx 21 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.9/98%

01 Introduction to Psychology

Intro to Psychology

This course in English with subtitles in 8 different languages, and discusses the implications of the most interesting experiments in psychology to help our understanding of the human mind and human behaviour. You will delve into the brain and some of the cognitive functions like memory, learning, attention, perception and consciousness. Human development in terms of growing up and aging will be explored and the manner in which the behaviour of others affects ours and our thoughts will be discussed. Finally, the various forms of mental illness and their treatments use to help the sufferers will be explored. You will learn to appreciate how interesting your fellow humans and their actions are. We are sometimes influenced by people and events without always being aware of it. By the end of this course you will understand and appreciate who you are and how you work.Skills Acquired: Psychological issues, Mental illness, Psychology and Social Psychology. Duration: Approx 23 hours over 4 weeks. Rating: 4.9/98%