Nanonets, A Simple Review

So, you are considering Nanonets.

You’ll be wondering if it’s a good choice for you, if its feature set compares well to other options on the market, and if it is priced affordably enough for what you get.

This article will break all that down for you and more. 

Plus, at the end of the article you’ll find links to alternatives to Nanonets as well as our top picks for the options in this category.

Or, just go straight to Our top picks for Best Document management software

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Nanonets Features

When Nanonets was designed, the developers saw that the growth of content was phenomenal, and yet the growth of the document management industry had been pedestrian. This meant there was a vast unserved market. Nanonets has made its document management system dramatically cheaper and easily comprehensible for the general public.

Here are some exclusive features of Nanonets:

Powerful Search and Discovery: With Nanonets, you can instantly find the exact document you’re searching for, irrespective of whether there are numerous files in your document management system. Its robust search features, like; instant suggestions let you retrieve relevant content faster.

Smart Folders: With Nanonets, you can use smart folders to make content discovery simpler by grouping documents based on the content rather than their location. Additionally, you can access these documents from several devices and even common productivity applications.

Integrate Content into Process: Nanonets helps you maximize the content value with a robust combination of enterprise document management and workflow capabilities. Nanonets opens endless opportunities to make the business flow better and optimize your information.

Built-in Workflows: With Nanonets’s built-in workflows, you can simplify document review and approval. You can also use custom process definitions to streamline any content-intensive activity. Additionally, you can use the rich metadata models or properties; to automatically move documents through a business process or lifecycle.

Secure business-critical content: With Nanonets, you can enable enterprise-grade security controls and integrated record management capabilities to protect critical business content at every stage. You can introduce multiple layers of access permissions to control who can edit or move the files.

Nanonets Pricing

The “Starter” plan is priced at $0 and offers basic document processing and management.

The “Pro” plan charges $0.1/page and offers up to 20 Fields and auto-capturing.

Nanonets offers an on-demand pricing quote for its enterprise. You can click on “Products” and select “Pricing information” to open the “Get a Quote” form. Once done, fill in the credentials and wait for Nanonets’s sales team to get in touch.

Nanonets Discounts and Coupons

Nanonets currently does not offer any discounts or coupons for its document collection and management system.

Nanonets Free Trial

Nanonets offers a 30 Day free trial for its document management platform.

Nanonets, A short how-to guide

Getting started with Nanonets is extremely simple because of its user-friendly interface. Once you login to your Nanonets account, import the document files relevant to your business and projects.

Once done, add your team members. Your colleagues can create individual workspaces to work on new documents. Click on the library and select permissions to change the access permission for a file.